KIT Buddy-Programm
Who are we?

What Buddy Program is and why you should join us.

About us
KIT Buddy-Programm

Join the Buddy Program and become a local or international buddy!

Sign Up

Do you have questions?

Send us an e-mail to

Events Photo Gallery

Upcoming Events

KITDas internationale Buddy-Programm
Registration SS25 is open!

The registration for the upcoming semester is now open! Answer the survey on our ILIAS page and become a buddy!

Registration Form
KITDas internationale Buddy-Programm
Coming soon: Ciao Party SS25

Highlight of the semester, where you have the opportunity to meet both old and new buddies. Cool drinks, snacks, great music, and karaoke!

KITDas Internationale Buddy-Programm
International Café

You will have a great opportunity to make new friends and learn essential information from INTL Buddy-Programm, HoC, Studierendenwerk. Come and enjoy a seasonal drink as always with us! Doors open at 17:00h; activities 17:30-19:30h


KITDas Internationale Buddy-Programm
Board Game Evening

Let's make friendships happen in the games.


Das Internationales Buddy-ProgrammDas internationale Buddy-Programm
Training for local buddies

Basis for: 

prioritized matching 

Certificate for social engagement


Mehr Info und Anmeldung
KITDas Internationale Buddy-Programm
Hiking Course for international students

Cooperation with University Sports



Excursion destinations and activities in the region

The International Buddy Program and the University of Stuttgart have conducted a joint survey and used the results to create a ranking list of the best day trip destinations and leisure activities in the region.

If you have any suggestions or comments, please write to us on Instagram / Facebook / Email:

Social Channels

Information on current activities is available on the social media accounts of the Buddy-program Instagram and Facebook as well as on ILIAS.


Click here to go to the first page of the Buddy Program in ILIAS, where you can register.
If you do not yet have access to ILIAS (learning platform at KIT), you can receive a registration code for a temporary account.
If you have any questions about the International Buddy Program, please write to buddy∂